George with his piety and precocious chivalry gives knighthood its first flower. The story of his rescue of a Christian maiden and subsequent conversion is matter for "1066 and All That". That's the spirit that made England 'top nation'.
The historical George, as we learn from various sources, was a soldier martyred at Lydda in Palestine ca. 303 of our era. Lydda (Lod) is a Palestinian village in central Israel; in Ramallah at the Anglican Evangelical Episcopal School I met a nun who was born there.
23 APRIL 303
"George is a soldier and martyr who suffered around 303 at Lydda (Diospolis) in Palestine. The earliest surviving record of him is a church inscription in Syria, dated about 346. Commemorations of him are numerous, early, and widespread. However, no details of his life are known...." ( Jesus Christ, whose cross didst seal thy servant George: Grant that we, strengthened by his example and prayers, may triumph to the end over all evils, to the glory of thy Name; for with the Father and Holy Spirit thou livest and reignest, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

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