Monday, February 21, 2011

Lent and Easter 2011

You are invited to keep a holy Lent - and celebrate a happy Easter.

Ash Wednesday services will be offered at noon and 7pm.

St Alban’s will offer a Lenten program on five Wednesdays during Lent beginning at 6pm with a simple soup/salad supper (potluck) followed by a Taizé-style evening worship service. Dates are March 16, 23, 30, and April 6, 13. (Learn about Taizé at

During Holy Week we offer services at 7pm Monday through Friday. Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday services will be at 8am and 10:30 am. The Palm Sunday procession on April 17th (led by the children) will begin the 10:30 service that day. All children are invited to join in the Easter Egg Hunt after the 10:30 service on Easter morning, April 24th.


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