Thursday, February 10, 2011

Forward to Freedom: From Exodus to Easter

You are invited on a journey of the spirit -

Forward to Freedom: From Exodus to Easter

David Adam has written a wonderful book for Lent. In a series of forty meditations, one for each day of Lent, he invites us to reflect on the story of Moses in the book of Exodus.

The people of God set out from bondage in Egypt to follow the promise of God to a new place. On the way through the wilderness they experience God in new and profound ways. The story of this great journey provides inspiration for us to follow the Israelites’ example – to launch out into new adventures, freeing others and ourselves from slavery and seeking God’s Promised Land.

Containing a Scripture reading, a short meditation, and a prayer for each day of Lent, this is a book to challenge our relationships to the world, to each other and to our God.

David Adam was vicar of St Mary’s Church on the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, and writes prayers in the Celtic stream of our common faith.

We have chosen “Forward to Freedom” as our Lenten theme this year. We will use the book to start our conversations in the adult education hour between services. Please join us for the discussions – and consider making this book your Lenten reading for the year.

If you would like a copy of the book you may find one through a lending library or buy one from a used bookseller in person or by mail order. Look online (

–Fr. John, Eric Hanson, and Karen Ford

( lists many used and new copies at low prices; so does


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