Sunday, May 9, 2021

no greater love

Turner House, Cowell College

Sojourners titled its Scripture commentary for May "What we see on Pentecost is a bewilderment." I'd call it rather an un-bewilderment, as it was on Ascension and Pentecost that the followers of Jesus saw him for who he really was, and was becoming. Hence the connection, noted by Michael Ramsey, of Ascension with the sovereignty of God come to earth in Jesus Christ. 

For May 9th, their commentary is titled "God's Friends" and that does capture something of this Sunday. One commenter, Herbert McCabe, says that God loves us because we are in Christ and share his Spirit." Rather I would say, "God loves us." - full stop - and then "We are in Christ and share in his Spirit." His indwelling spirit enables us to enter into the inner life of God that is Love and it empowers us to take that love into the world. 

So as we re-open, or contemplate re-opening, our lives 'post-covid', let us not only continue precautions, but think about more than what it means to relax about personal restrictions - wash hands, wear mask, keep distance, no risky mixing - but what it means beyond taking care of ourselves to be sent as disciples of the living Lord. And indeed, as Stewart McDonald points out, beyond 're-gathering' among ourselves.

What should we be doing, as we are released from timidity and boredom into a more opened-up world? How shall we serve him, proclaim him and witness him, embody his kingdom spirit, this spring?

We begin with the pursuit of truth in the company of friends: learning to love one another as he loves us. And then we go forth rejoicing...

Christ the King Episcopal Church, Tucson.

9 May 2021
Sixth Sunday of Easter

Sojourners, May 2021, 48-49.

A. M. Ramsey."Ascension." Alan Richardson, ed. A Theological Word Book of the Bible. New York: Macmillan. 1950. 22-23.

Sacrificial Goat
Jack Zajac

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