Sunday, June 25, 2017

Reformation Readings

What I've been reading: Among other things this spring I was reading a lot about the Reformation. Along with some Lutheran pastors and a Presbyterian minister and many lay people, I participated in a University Humanities Seminar taught by the head of the division of late Medieval and Reformation studies, Dr Susan Karant-Nunn. Among the "strongly recommended" readings were:

Wunderli, Richard M. Peasant Fires: The Drummer of Niklashausen. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1992. ISBN: 978-0253207517.

Oberman, Heiko A. Luther: Man between God and the Devil. New York, N.Y: Image Books, 1992. ISBN: 0385422784.

Calvin, Jean, and Hugh T. Kerr. Calvin's Institutes: A New Compend. Louisville, Ky: Westminster John Knox Press, 1989. ISBN 0664250807.

Marshall, Peter. Reformation in England: 1480-1642. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2011. ISBN: 978-0340706244.

Ignatius of Loyola, and Anthony Mottola. The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. New York: Image Books, 1989. ISBN: 0385024363

These selections were easily supplemented with older books, from St Philip in the Hills and Pima County libraries, including:

Roland Bainton, Here I Stand (life of Martin Luther)

Owen Chadwick, The Reformation

A. G. Dickens, The English Reformation

New books continue to come out as this year is the 500th anniversary observance of the beginning of the Reformation:

MacCulloch, DiarmaidAll Things Made New: The Reformation and Its Legacy (2016)

Peter Marshall, Heretics and Believers: A History of the English Reformation (Yale, 2017)

Roper, LyndalMartin LutherRenegade And Prophet (2017)
Of these I've enjoyed most the heaviest and latest, the book by Peter Marshall, which seems to be the narrative history to which our "strongly recommended" reading in the seminar by the same author was prolegomena.
And older books, including sections of 
MacCulloch, Diarmaid, The Reformation

MacCulloch, Diarmaid, Christianity: The First 2000 Years

Rowell, Geoffrey, Kenneth Stevenson, and Rowan Williams, eds., Love's Redeeming Work: The Anglican Quest for Holiness (Oxford, 2001)

And novels, including:

Also of interest (for future reading):

The Library of Christian Classics, published by Westminster John Knox Press.
T. H. L. Parker, ed. English Reformers. (Library of Christian Classics) Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press. January 1, 1966.
Wilhelm Pauck, ed. Melanchthon and Bucer (Library of Christian Classics) Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press. January 1, 1969.

G. W. Bromiley, ed. Zwingli and Bullinger (Library of Christian Classics) Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press. January 1, 1953. 

John Calvin. Institutes of the Christian Religion. (Library of Christian Classics) John T. McNeill (Editor), Ford Lewis Battles (Translator). Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press (June 1960).

Other volumes in the series include writings of Martin Luther and Erasmus.

Other publications:

Martin Luther's Basic Theological WritingsTimothy F. Lull, ed. 1989.

William J. Bouwsma. John Calvin: A Sixteenth-Century Portrait1987.


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