In the name of God, source of
all being, eternal Word, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Lord, what is man, that
Thou hast
regard for him?
Or the son of man, that
Thou takest
account of him?
Man is like a breath,
His days are as a fleeting
In the morning he
flourishes and grows up
like grass,
In the evening he is cut
down and withers.
So teach us to number our days,
That we may get us a heart of
This prayer, read at funerals, is adapted from Psalms 144
and 90.
(Barbara Myerhoff, Number
Our Days, New York: E. P. Dutton, 1978,
So teach us to number our
days, says the Psalmist, and when we try, we find we cannot, not to the end— no
one knows it. So we learn: we can accept the gifts our days offer, and to
receive those gifts in both hands, with delicate reverence, and in our hearts,
with joyful fullness.
The people we love, the place
we know, the times we live in, and the blessings we receive, large and small:
treasured moments, new friends, and old movies…
We cannot number our days,
not to the end, but we can treasure them—
and release them at last,
trusting in the hope of resurrection, knowing that our God loves us and death
is not the end. We do not see beyond it but we know we shall be united in the
presence of a living God.
Living in hope — as we are
living now, between the already and the not-yet of God —
is about expectation;
is about expectation;
is about assurance;
is about yearning for the end
of the world — not to stop the pain of present existence but to begin the new
life now!
Living in hope is about the
already-but-not-yet reign of our Savior. It is the hope of eternal life, of the
Beyond that, it is the hope
of the beginning of the larger drama of which resurrection is a part: the
inevitable triumph of God’s justice and righteousness in a transformation of
all things. In the consummation of time, God will make all things new.
(Fred B. Craddock et al., Preaching Through the Lectionary, Year B, Harrisburg PA: Trinity Press International, 471)
And so our hope is found in
faith, in confidence in God our resurrection as part of the fate of the people
of God: the hungry and thirsty, the sick and the lame, the naked, the captive,
the sorrowful; all those to whom Jesus proclaims the acceptable year of the
We live with that hope, in
confidence and trust, knowing the light of Christ shines already – and darkness
cannot put it out.
God of all power and
might, give us grace to trust you in the darkness as well as the light. In the
face of danger and adversity, sorrow and loneliness, be our strength and hope,
so that we may live and work to your praise and glory; through Jesus Christ our
Lord, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever.
(David Adam, Traces
of Glory, London: SPCK, 146-147)
Forgiven and accepted by God,
in the confidence of new life,
Let us hold fast to the
confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful.
And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not
neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one
another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
(Hebrews 10:23-25)
May God, who gives grace to
us, give us grace to give others; may God, who is merciful to us and kind,
bring kindness and generosity into our lives; that we may share the abundant
love of Christ with those around us.
May we, seeking to do your
will, find it in serving you; in seeking you to serve you; and find you in the
face of others, friend and stranger.
May we, serving you in
others, find ourselves at home; and find our home in you, Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.
BProper28, Twenty Fifth Sunday
after Pentecost, Daniel
12:1-3, Psalm 16, Hebrews
10:11-25, Mark
Lord, what are we that you should care for us?*
mere mortals that you should
think of us?
are like a puff of wind;*
our days are like a passing
You sweep us away like a dream;*
we fade away suddenly like the
In the morning it is green and
in the evening it is dried up
and withered.
So teach us to number our days*
that we may apply our hearts to
(The Book of Common Prayer, Psalm 144: 3-4, Psalm 90:5-6, 12)
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