in a new light
Loving Lord, let your light
shine in our lives,
let its brightness fill our
hearts and transfigure us;
that, seeing your glory,
we may come to you in awe and
and gazing upon you may be
changed into your likeness,
moving from glory to glory;
through Jesus Christ our
who with the Father and the
Holy Spirit
is in eternal glory for ever
and ever. Amen.
What happens when you see
someone in a new light?
Have they changed?
Have you?
When we visit a friend at her
home there she is in sweats and slippers, serving tea and talking about books.
We settle into comfy chairs and a sofa, and the afternoon passes.
When we see her, keys in
hand, ready to go out, she looks different, ready to face the world.
When I went to the bus stop
one day in college, to get a ride down to my house, I saw a guy from my class
standing there. Oh. He looked like a woolly-headed surfer to me. And so I
expected no more. Then he spoke. “I am reading the greatest book and I cannot
put it down!” Oh? What is it? “War and Peace. Oh, man! I just can’t put it
D’oh! My mind was changed. My
perception had been all wrong. And I’d lost out on two counts. I’d avoided
reading War and Peace myself (any book that long must be hard). And I’d
misjudged him – there was lot more to this guy than I had assumed there was.
My eyes were opened.
But rather than judgment what
I experienced was transformation.
He may not have looked
different but I saw him differently – and thanks to him, I saw other things
differently too.
Jesus – did he look any
different than he had before?
Certainly Peter and James and
John saw him differently.
What the disciples witnessed
was a theophany, a manifestation of the holy; and they saw it in their friend.
Jesus had befriended them by the lakeshore, these three; and now he brought
them on a hike up a high mountain. Heaven and earth were close together that
day. At the top they experienced what they could not foresee, and could not
talk about, until the resurrection made sense of what they saw.
What the disciples witnessed
was like what the three elders of Israel saw on Mount Sinai. They had gone up
with Moses to receive the life-giving Law. In a cloud for six days they waited.
And then God was revealed, to Moses, I suppose: for when he emerged from the
cloud his face was radiant. He shone like Jesus would shine.
What Elisha witnessed as he
journeyed with his spiritual father, Elijah, from place to sacred place on his
way to departure from this world was a theophany, God’s showing, of himself this
time in chariots of fire, and horses of fire, as God swept up Elijah into a
cloud of glory.
Jesus – did he look any
different than he had before?
Certainly Peter and James and
John saw him differently.
They saw him so differently
that Peter could see him as the culmination and fulfillment of the long line of
prophets to the people of Israel. There was Moses, the liberation leader, who
brought the people through the desert to the edge of the Promised Land. There
was Elijah, steadfast forerunner of the holy One, who met God on the mountain.
And there was Jesus, right up there with them. This meant the end of Ordinary
Time; it means this is the harvest-time of God, and Peter reacted
Let’s build three booths, for
the feast of booths, the grain festival at harvest time: let’s celebrate the
beginning of the time when God will gather all his people to himself.
Boom! “This is my Son, the
Beloved; listen to him!”
God spoke from the cloud –
That is what Peter saw and
What happened to Jesus? He
was revealed – as who he truly was, in his glory. A glimpse of eternity, a
glimpse of divinity: a glimpse of him as he always was, now shining forth.
How Peter sees Jesus is
He saw him in a new light.
There was more to Jesus – and to Peter – than he’s expecting.
And so he responded, as best
he knew how.
Peter led with faith. This is
a faith seeking understanding, seeking meaning, seeking direction. Peter leads
with faith seeking to comprehend what he sees in Christ, through action, active
response to the revelation, through the act of following Jesus. He puts his
trust in Jesus and so he willingly submits to the transformation that
discipleship requires.
When we accept Jesus as Lord
and Savior, when we know he is light to the world…
How we see Jesus is
How we see each other changes
in light of what we have seen, in him. But—
How do we see our selves and
others differently in the light of Christ?
What changes does
transfiguration call for from us? As a result of seeing Christ in a new light,
and seeing others in the light of Christ, how are we to live, differently from
What the disciples did after
they saw Jesus transfigured, what Elisha did after he saw the chariots of fire,
what the elders of the people did after Moses returned from the mountain, was
to follow – to live differently, in light of what they had seen.
And to bring the news to the
Everybody everywhere must
hear of this change of being.
What they saw made everything
We have got to tell people
about it. And we have got to live differently because of it.
Jesus calls us into a new way
of being. He calls us to be transfigured, transformed.
He calls us to change our
How does he call us?
- Jesus calls us to repent and believe in the good news.
- Jesus invites us to take up the cross.
- Jesus calls us to true worship.
- Jesus is lifted up for our salvation.
- Jesus invites us to follow and serve.
Jesus calls us to the pilgrim
way of Lent, the journey up to Jerusalem, to the Cross, and beyond, to Glory -
glory glimpsed on the mountain, one day to be revealed in all our lives.
So – let us give up gloom for
Lent. Let’s let the light shine in – to our lives, our church. And let’s let
the light shine out – from our lives, our church – to the world God loves.
May we bring the light of
Christ – the light of the knowledge of the glory of God revealed in Jesus
Christ – to our world. May it illumine us, and shine from our faces, not that
we may be glorified, but that we might see more clearly, love more dearly,
follow more nearly, the Lord that is revealed in the face of the people he
loves, the world he made.
May we bring the light of
Christ to the world; that his glory may be revealed.
Come, Lord of light,
transfigure us, increase our vision and reveal to us your glory.
Lord, touch us and
transfigure us…. in the name of God, source of all being, eternal Word, and
Holy Spirit.
Let the Lord touch you and
transform you.
Let the Lord surround you
with peace.
May the peace of the Lord be
always with you.
May the Lord open your eyes
to his presence,
surround you with his love,
fill your days with his
and the blessing of God
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
be among you and remain with
you always. Amen.
Prayer, Peace, and Blessing
from David Adam, Traces of Glory
(SPCK, 1999).
- Themes from Bread for the World: Lenten Prayers for Hungry People (
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