Thursday, May 26, 2011

“What do we do now?”

You can imagine them saying it.

The disciples of Jesus have witnessed everything – he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he died and was buried, he was raised again on the third day, and, now, he has been raised to the right hand of power. Before their eyes, he was carried into heaven.

So – the question is before the disciples of Jesus: what do we do now?

And how? How are we going to accomplish that purpose, God-struck as it is? Is it possible?

We, his disciples today, find ourselves facing a daunting task – and a daunting series of questions.

How are we to carry on the work Christ has begun in his earthly ministry?

How are we to carry forward the work he has called us to? How shall we embody the hope of the resurrection and the joy of everlasting life?

How are we to stand in the world and witness to all we his people have seen in the life of Jesus, and all we have experienced of his presence in our own lives?

How are we to proclaim in his name to all nations the forgiveness of sins – and the coming of his kingdom?

In ourselves, it is not possible; in Christ and through the Spirit it is inevitable.

He promises, on the day of his Ascension, that he will not leave us comfortless. And so we call upon the Breath of Jesus, the Spirit of truth:

Come, Creator Spirit, Father of the poor. Come, light of our hearts. Come, source of all life. You are our only comforter. Come! Give us your peace.

Guide our steps with your light.

When in stress you support us, in trials you give us strength, consolation in the midst of grief.

Eternal light, visit the hearts you have created and fill our innermost being.

Heal our wounds and renew our strength, quench our deepest thirst. Fill us with your grace.

Come! Fill us with your gifts. Give us comfort. Give us life. Give us joy that never ends.

Come! Come! Come Holy Spirit! Alleluia. Alleluia. Amen.

(Veni Creator Spiritus, Taizé)


For the Gospel Grapevine, parish newsletter of Saint Alban's Episcopal Church, Edmonds, WA


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