Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Celtic Christian Spirituality reading list

With an Eagle's Eye: A Seven-Day Sojourn in Celtic Spirituality by John Miriam Jones, S.C. (Ave Maria Press, July 1998)

The Music of What Happens: Celtic Spirituality - A View from the Inside by John J. Ó Ríordáin CSsR (Dublin: Columba, September 1996; Saint Mary's Press, December 1996)

How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland's Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe by Thomas Cahill (Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, February 1995)

The Wisdom of the Celtic Saints by Edward C. Sellner (Notre Dame: Ave Maria Press, 1993; revised and expanded edition, Bog Walk Press, February 2006)

The Celtic Way of Prayer: The Recovery of the Religious Imagination by Esther de Waal (Doubleday, August 1997)

Every Earthly Blessing: Rediscovering the Celtic Tradition by Esther De Waal (Morehouse, July 1999)

The Celtic Vision: Prayers, Blessings, Songs, and Invocations from the Gaelic Tradition edited by Esther De Waal (Saint Bede's, July 1990; revised edition, Liguori/Triumph, November 2001)

Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom by John O'Donohue (Cliff Street Books/HarperCollins, October 1997)

Celtic Inheritance by Peter Berresford Elis (London: Constable, 1985; New York: Dorset, 1992)

Soulfaring: Celtic Pilgrimage Then and Now by Cintra Pemberton, O.S.H. (Morehouse, October 1999)

In Search of Sacred Places: Looking for Wisdom on Celtic Holy Islands by Daniel Taylor (Bog Walk Press, 2005)

Celtic Threads: Exploring the Wisdom of Our Heritage by Padraigín Clancy (Dublin: Veritas, 1999)

Celtic Christian Spirituality: An Anthology of Medieval and Modern Sources edited by Oliver Davies and Fiona Bowie (SPCK & Continuum, 1995)

Celtic Spirituality edited and translated and introduced by Oliver Davies ; with the collaboration of Thomas O'Loughlin (Paulist Press, 1995)

A Doorway in Time: Memoir of a Celtic Spiritual Journey by Herbert O'Driscoll (Harper & Row, San Francisco, 1985)

Man of Aran by Pat Mullen (E. P. Dutton, 1935; M.I.T. Press, 1970)

George MacLeod: Founder of the Iona Community by Ronald Ferguson (London: Collins, 1990; Glasgow: Wild Goose, April 2001)

Glendalough: A Celtic Pilgrimage by Michael Rodgers and Marcus Losack (Morehouse, February 1997)

Listening for the Heartbeat of God: A Celtic Spirituality by J. Philip Newell (Paulist Press, January 1997)


1 comment:

John Leech said...

Carmina Gadelica, a collection by Alexander Carmichael, is the basis of many more recent compilations and commentaries.

A 19th century Scotsman, Carmichael was the John Lomax of Celtic folklore studies.