“All things come of thee, O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee.”
~ 1 Chronicles 29: 14
Dear friends in Christ:
Look around you – we live in a world of abounding wonder. Where did all this come from? Who can we thank for what we have?
What can we offer in thanksgiving for all that we have received from God’s abundance? How can we participate in God’s ongoing work in the world?
These questions come to mind as we begin to contemplate our giving plans for next year.
When we give to our church, we participate in God’s ongoing work in the world. When we give, we are giving thanks – and that expression, that freewill offering of what we have, is made possible by God’s own gift of himself to us through his incarnate Son.
Way back when King David gathered together the people of Israel and led them in making offerings for the building of the Temple – a building to be completed by his son – he first acknowledged the source of all being, of all that he and they had to offer.
“All things come from you, and of your own have we given you…” (1 Chronicles 29:14)
It is with thanksgiving for God’s many gifts and blessings, and with a desire to further God’s kingdom here on earth, that we give to the church in our offerings of what God has first given us.
The house of prayer we build together, and continue to maintain – the physical structure – is a visible, outward sign of what God is doing within us: building us up together into a worthy temple, a people after his own heart, who work together for his purpose, looking to a future with hope in the promise and gift of God.
“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” (Jeremiah 29:17)
All giving, at any level, is a worthy expression of thanks. By giving we participate in the continuing mission of God in this world, carrying forward the holy work begun by Christ in his church.
Quite simply, your gifts make the church’s mission and ministry possible. With your help, with your part in this work, our church can express our common faith to the neighborhood, the nation, and the world.
Consider prayerfully your gifts and offerings to God through the church. Think through the gifts we receive from God – the faith that sustains us in good times and bad, the love that redeems us in moments of need, the hope that assures us of a future with wholeness and peace; indeed, the whole of our lives and the world and all that is in it, all made by God – and what in particular brings you joy, peace, comfort, sustenance. And then, pray:
Guide me, Lord of grace, to give, as you would have me give, of what you have given me.
Ingathering Sunday will be November 8th. I encourage you to make your pledge by this date, so that your financial gifts may be reflected in the 2010 budget. During worship on that day, we will celebrate the gifts God has given us by offering together both pledges of future giving and thanksgivings for gifts received – so that God can fit them together for the building up of this place dedicated to his worship and glory. Please make prayerful use of the enclosed pledge card – and drop it in the mail or put it in the collection plate.
Above all give thanks to God in all things – God is faithful to the promise he has made, and guaranteed through the gift of his love: to give us all, together, a future with hope.
Yours faithfully in Christ,
(The Rev.) John Leech
Priest and Rector
St Alban's Episcopal Church
Edmonds, Wash.
October 2009
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