Saturday, November 1, 2008

Lord, thou hast examined me and knowest me.

Lord, thou hast examined me and knowest me.

Thou knowest all, whether I sit down or rise up;
thou hast discerned my thoughts from afar.

Thou hast traced my journey and my resting places,
and art familiar with all my paths.

For there is not a word on my tongue
but thou, Lord, knowest them all.

Thou hast kept close guard before me and behind
and hast spread thy hand over me.

Such knowledge is beyond my understanding,
so high that I cannot reach it.

Where can I escape from thy spirit?
Where can I flee from thy presence?

If I climb up to heaven, thou art there;
if I make the grave my bed, again I find thee.

If I take my flight to the frontiers of the morning
or dwell at the limit of the western sea,
even there thy hand will meet me
and thy right hand will hold me fast.

If I say, 'Surely darkness will steal over me,
night will close around me',
darkness is no darkness for thee
and night is luminous as day;
to thee both dark and light are one.

(Psalm 139: 1-11, NEB)

In the name of God Almighty, Father of all mercies; obedient Son, full of compassion; and Spirit - holy: moving through us throughout our lives. Amen.

This psalm seems to have been made with Charles Mills in mind. When you listen to the stories of his long life, you realize that God has been with him in all sorts of places - from the wings of the morning - in the airplane; in the depths and in the distances on the waters of the Isles; in faraway North Africa and the Italian front; or close at hand, at the dinner table with a child across from him, who is learning from a gentle teacher.

And you hear about his hands: gentle, at work; physician, healer: bringing new life into the world. And you hear, too, from Margaret, his companion in adventure and partner for so many years of life.

We are here to celebrate his life - to thank God for it, even as he takes his place among the souls gathered at the heavenly Table seeing now our Lord face to face.

We will miss him - and we will see him again.

In the hope of the resurrection, Death is not the last word: in the presence of the Lord we are united as one people across time and space. Our God, for whom darkness and light are both alike, is not daunted by the passing of time. In this moment, we mourn Charles - and yet we know he is in Christ eternally alive to the eternal presence of the divine and holy One who will gather us all to himself in the fullness of time.

May we, as we remember Charles and bring forward all the stories and all the love we can bring to the moment of the passing of this beloved man- husband, father, grandfather; physician and friend- may we hold him in our hearts as we hold Jesus our Savior strong to our conviction in the hope of Rest and the promise of the Life to come. Amen.

Celebration of the Life of Charles Mills, November 1, 2008.


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