Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sources & Resources for Study and Preaching


Abingdon Bible Commentary (1929)

David Adam,
Clouds and Glory: Prayers for the Church Year: Year A (London: SPCK, 1998)
Traces of Glory: Prayers for the Church Year: Year B (London: SPCK, 1999)
Glimpses of Glory: Prayers for the Church Year: Year C (SPCK, 2000)

Christopher Irvine,
The Pilgrims' Manual (Glasgow: Wild Goose, 1997)

Herbert O'Driscoll, The Word Today: Reflections on the Readings of the Revised Common Lectionary: Year A, Volume 1 (Toronto: Anglican Book Centre, 1998)

Nicholas Thomas (Tom) Wright,
Matthew for Everyone, ed. 2 (London: SPCK, 2004)

Barbara E. Reid,
New Collegeville Bible Commentary: The Gospel According to Matthew (Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 2005)

Fred B. Craddock, John H. Hayes, Carl R. Holladay, Gene M. Tucker,
Preaching Through the Christian Year: Year A (Harrisburg, Pa.: Trinity Press International, 1992)

Mary Hinkle Shore, Herman C. Waetjen, Richard Eslinger, Melinda A. Quivik,
New Proclamation: Year A, 2007-2008: Advent through Holy Week (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2007)

The Lectionary Page

The (Online) Book of Common Prayer

Oremus Bible Browser

Michael Hardin, Jeff Krantz & Anthony Bartlett,
Preaching Peace

Anthony Bartlett,
Bible Studies at Preaching Peace

Paul Nuechterlein,
Girardian Reflections on the Lectionary

Jenee Woodard, ed.,
The Text this Week

Mark I. Wallace and Theophus H. Smith, editors,
Curing Violence: Essays on René Girard (Polebridge Press, 1994)

Gil Bailie,
The Cornerstone Forum

René Girard,
"Violence and the Cross", CTNS Forum, The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, February 11, 2003.

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