Thursday, April 19, 2018

the freehearted hospitality of God

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? 
Can such faith save them? 
Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food [and water]. 
If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed, [drink up!]” 
but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? 
In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
James 2:14-17 [areas in brackets my own interpolations]

People leave their homes and travel north because they have to, not because they want to. 
War, civil strife, natural disaster; poverty, hunger, and fear drive them.

(In his own remarks, later in the program, the mayor pointed out that people come north 
for many reasons - but for none of them does anyone deserve to die in the desert of thirst.)

And sometimes they are welcomed home in a place they have never been before. 
We drink from others’ wells - we all do. 
Let us remember as we bless these trucks with holy water and pious words 
that they carry to others the lifegiving water for which we all share the need.

Bless the drivers; keep them safe.
Bless the trucks; keep them running.
Bless the travelers - bring them safe across the desert to a place they do [may] not know.

And to the people they may never meet, may this work today be a witness 
to the freehearted hospitality of God.


Remarks prepared for the blessing of the fleet of water trucks at Humane Borders,
Tucson, Arizona.

Humane Borders
Participants in the Blessing of the Fleet, 2018, April 15

The Rev. Dr. John Leech,
Priest of the Episcopal Church

Rev. Mateo Chavez
Pastor of Lutheran Spanish Language congregation,
San Juan Bautista

Fr. John Erickson,
Orthodox Church of America,
Professor Emeritus, St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary

Mayor, Jonathan Rothschild
(earlier President of Temple Emanu-el) Rabbi Aaron is in Poland.

Abbot Ajahn Sarayut Amanta
Tucson Buddhist Meditation Center and Wat Buddhametta

Dan Abbot/Norm Baker (Volunteers with Humane Borders)

Rev. Ailsa Gonzalez
First Christian Church
On whose property Humane Borders was born

Dinah Bear
Chair of Board of Directors, Humane Borders

Moderator: Rev. John Hoelter, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America