Friday, December 4, 2020

The State of the Planet

"The state of the planet is: broken."--UN secretary general on December 2nd.

The planet is burning.

The planet is freezing.

The planet is drowning.

The planet is asphyxiating.

The planet is poisoned.

Humanity must turn away from its headlong course of environmental suicide.

What humanity has brought about, humanity can also help to heal.

The defining task of humanity for this century is to heal its relationship with the rest of nature. “There is no vaccine for the planet.”

That was the message in the 'state of the planet' address by the UN secretary general.

What can we as people of conscience, as people of faith, as citizens and human beings, do to bring healing to the planet?

We can begin by hands-on action such as community gardens, recycling, and careful use of resources, and work within our community organizations, civic associations, and religious congregations, not only to act locally, but to advocate policies that address the climate emergency: goals of carbon neutrality, food security, adaptation and resilience.

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António Guterres (UN Secretary-General) on the State of the Planet

2 Dec 2020 -  Speech by António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, on the State of the Planet at Columbia University (New York City).

As submitted as a letter to the editor of the Arizona Daily Star on Friday 4 December 2020. JRL+

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