Thursday, April 23, 2020

Toyohiko Kagawa

Toyohiko Kagawa (July 10th, 1888, in Kobe, Japan - April 23rd, 1960 in Tokyo) 

Evangelist, as he saw himself, or social reformer and pacifist, as others saw him, Toyohiko Kagawa witnessed for his faith as a living martyr (white martyrdom?) over decades of struggle to help the poor in his country and to demonstrate that there was another way than aggression for a nation to relate to its neighbors.

"Kagawa was arrested in 1940 for publicly apologizing to the people of China for Japan’s invasion of that country." 

"Although Kagawa was under police surveillance much of his life, the Japanese government called on him to organize the rebuilding of Tokyo after a 1923 earthquake and again at the end of World War II to serve as head of the country’s social welfare programs."

Strengthen and protect, O God, all those who suffer for their fidelity to Jesus Christ, that like your servant Toyohiko Kawaga, they might persevere in seeking and serving Christ in all persons, and work tirelessly for the advancement of your kingdom. All this we ask through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with you and the Holy Spirit be all honor and glory now and forever. Amen.

Revised Lesser Feasts and Fasts, 2018, p. 246-247.

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