Saturday, November 26, 2016

Where is Jesus?

Advent is a season of expectation, of joyous anticipation, and of preparation, for the coming of Jesus. Who are we expecting? The divine Son of Man? The human hero the Son of God? Where do we expect to meet him? How will we greet him? Will he come to us as conquering hero, freeing us from oppression and anxiety? Will he come to us as Savior, suffering servant and healer? We have our expectations of who the Christ will be and how we will see him.

Where is Jesus? Do we see him in creation? In the midst of our families and friends?  Do we find him in solitude? Do we see him at work in the world?

How do we imagine him coming to us? As an infant? A judge?

Andrew was by the lakeside, when John the Baptist pointed out a man walking nearby. Behold, the Lamb of God: and Andrew went and found his brother and said, “We have found the Christ.”

In the next four weeks as we prepare our hearts to make him room, let us explore together where we find Jesus - and where Jesus finds us.

The season of Advent, and this course, begins the Sunday after Thanksgiving.

Spiritual Formation 9am Sundays in St Andrew’s parish hall. November 27 and December 4, 11, 18, 2016. Come join us for all or any of the sessions.

(Announcement for an adult spiritual formation course at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Tucson.)

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