Saturday, January 19, 2013

all along the lakeshore

He came toward us, walking along the edge of the water, and we knew he was the one John foretold. He said, “Follow me,” and we made our way to Galilee. First he took us to a party – a wedding celebration in a village near his hometown. His mother was there; we too were invited guests. And that party is where it all started.

He showed us who he was,
            who God is,
not by pointing,
but by a sign,
            a deed, an act,
that made a light to shine
            in our hearts.
It began to dawn on us:
He is the light of the world.

And in his light, we see light.

It began so simply, then:
with a party where the wine ran out.
His mother spoke softly to him,
and before we knew it, new wine
flowed. Wine beyond reasonable
            doubt? –
measure, a sure sign of kingdom of God
      a miracle!

Where we had felt scarcity,
            he discovered abundance.
Where we had thought
            we were at the end of hope
He found new life.

Where there had been darkness
            he brought light.

If we felt dead, now
            there was life.

And so we follow him –
            we follow him still.

Grace is what you have when you run out –
            of money, of time,
            of your own resources.
Grace does not wait for you to ask;
            grace just comes.
Are you ready for it?

How could you be?

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